Rotman Design Challenge (RDC) - Sun Life Canada
RDC is a 10-week long competition that challenges graduate students from top schools around the world to test and use design thinking principles to solve demanding business problems for clients. The sponsor for this project was Sun Life Financial. Sun Life Financial is a premier Canadian financial services company with over CAD$1.3 trillion in assets under management operating in a number of countries, including Canada, the United States, the UK and Hong Kong. The firm provides financial planning, life insurance, health insurance, investments services (to name a few) to over 13 million customers worldwide.
Sun Life partnered with RDC to support student teams in developing ideas and solutions around acquiring younger, first time insurance buys and maintain them long term.
User Research, Prototyping, UX/UI Design, Storytelling
Sun Life Canada
8 Weeks
initial challenge statement
How might Sun Life acquire younger, first time insurance buyers and maintain them long term?
Stakeholder Identification

user research
We focused our interviews with millennial, gen z and first-time insurance buyers. In addition to interviews with the intended end user, we also had the opportunity to connect with SUn Life stakeholders such as the Director of Life & Health Innovation and Director of Health Strategy & Innovation.
"So I did do a little bit of online research, but I did put a lot of stock into an actual testimonial for someone that I knew and trust."
Connor, Age 29
“I have life insurance through my company and they pay for that. That one would be a zero (in understanding). I don't know anything about that one.”
Shay, Age 31
"I don't have life insurance because I don't have kids, so why would I?"
Kat, Age 32
"The insurance companies are always out to get you."
Eden, Age 29
"Transparency is a is a keystone to trust."
Adam, Age 31
"You can find information about your plan, but obviously it's not simple to find."
Dori, Age 34

Key Insight

re-framed problem statement
How might Sun Life make insurance research feel like millennials are getting trusted and validated referrals in order to create solid and long term relationships?
Design Principles

Journey Mapping
Ideation Methods
figure storming
Brainstorming through the lens of a person or company who may have different perspectives from your own.
forced pairing
Pairing taking two or more completely different ideas to create one comprehensive idea.
crazy eights
A rapid ideation activity where you ideate 8 different ideas in an 8 minute timed session. One idea per one minute.
introducing protct
Protct is a holistic digital eco-system helping young adults manage their insurance policies alongside with their financial status and health status. Based on the users short-term and long-term goals, Protct uses information inputted by the user to make recommendations to help the user reach their goals. Protct creates customized checklists for the user to easily succeed in taking the next steps towards their goals.

Product Demo